






1. 以集成電(diàn)路技術爲基礎,類腦智能理論爲指導,通過模拟腦模塊化可塑性的特征設計粗細粒度多層次重構架構,使芯片能夠異步,并行,分(fēn)布式處理數據,實現對不同神經元模型以及網絡拓撲結構的高效仿真。同時通過片上網絡與層次化可擴展設計最終實現千億級神經元仿真與應用。

2. 基于特征場景的類腦芯片和智能系統研究。适應智能社會對嵌入式計算、群體(tǐ)計算、雲端計算等不同計算形态的要求,對運動控制、模式識别、認知(zhī)決策等不同智能等級的要求,以高通量式、脈沖式、分(fēn)布式等不同信息處理場景,發展各具特色、譜系豐富的類腦芯片與智能系統。

3. 基于未來計算技術的類腦智能芯片研究。在發展半導體(tǐ)類腦芯片的同時,關注新型電(diàn)子器件、超導計算、分(fēn)子計算、光計算、仿生(shēng)計算、量子計算等未來計算技術發展,在類腦智能理論指導下(xià),适時發展以未來計算技術爲基礎的類腦智能芯片。


1. Ning Ma, Zhibo Pang, Jun Chen, Hannu Tenhunen and Li-Rong Zheng. “A 5Mgate/414mW networked media SoC in 0.13um CMOS with 720p multistandard video decoding,” In Proceedings of IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference A-SSCC, pp.385,388, 16-18 Nov. 2009

2. Ning Ma, Zhuo Zou, Zhonghai Lu, and Li-Rong Zheng. “Design and Implementation of Multi-mode Routers for Large-scale Inter-core networks,” Integration, the VLSI Journal (Elsevier), 2015

3. Ning Ma, Zhonghai Lu, and Li-Rong Zheng. “System design of full HD MVC decoding on mesh-based multicore NoCs,” In Microprocessors and Microsys-tems (Elsevier), Volume 35, Issue 2, March 2011, Pages 217-229

4. Ning Ma, Zhuo Zou, Yuxiang Huan, Stefan Blixt, Zhonghai Lu and Li-Rong Zheng. “A 101.4 GOPS/W Reconfigurable and Scalable Control-centric Embedded Processor for Domain-specific Applications,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2016

5. Ning Ma, Zhuo Zou, Zhonghai Lu, Stefan Blixt and Li-Rong Zheng. “A hierarchical reconfigurable micro-coded multi-core processor for IoT applications,” In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Reconfigurable and Communication-Centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC), pp.1,4, 26-28 May 2014

6. Ning Ma, Zhibo Pang, Hannu Tenhunen and Li-Rong Zheng. “An ASIC design-based configurable SOC architecture for networked media,” In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on System-on-Chip, pp.1,4, Nov.2008.

7. Ning Ma, Zhonghai Lu, Zhibo Pang, and Li-Rong Zheng. “System-level exploration of mesh-based NoC architectures for multimedia applications,” In Proceedings of IEEE International SOC Conference (SOCC), pp.99,104, 27-29 Sept. 2010

8. Ning Ma, Zhuo Zou, Zhonghai Lu, and Li-Rong Zheng. “Implementing MVC Decoding on Homogeneous NoCs: Circuit Switching orWormhole Switching,” In Proceedings of 23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), pp.387,391, 4-6 March 2015
