



2007年博士畢業于佐治亞州立大(dà)學生(shēng)物(wù)學系生(shēng)理專業。2008-2012年在加州大(dà)學舊(jiù)金山分(fēn)校藥理系做博士後研究,師從Roger Nicoll院士。從2013年起任南(nán)京大(dà)學模式動物(wù)研究所教授,2022年任廣東省智能科學和技術研究院研究員(yuán)和研究組長。入選海外(wài)高層次優秀青年人才計劃,江蘇省雙創人才計劃和江蘇省傑出青年。主要從事神經突觸傳遞和可塑性機制研究。主持國家自然科學基金委基金4項,主持和參加科技部課題3項。研究成果發表在Nature, Neuron, Cell Reports, PNAS, Nature Communications,eLife等雜(zá)志(zhì)。





1. Peng SX, Pei J, Rinaldi B, Chen Jiang, Ge YH, Jia M, Wang J, Delahaye-Duriez A, Sun J, Zang YY, Shi YY, Zhang N, Gao X, Milani D, Xu X, Sheng N, Gerard B, Chen Zhang C, Bayat A, Liu N, Yang JJ, Shi YS (2022). Dysfunction of AMPA receptor GluA3 is associated with aggressive behavior in human. Mol Psychiatry. Online ahead of print

2. Li QQ, Chen J, Hu P, Jia M, Sun JH, Feng HY, Qiao FC, Zang YY, Shi YY, Chen G, Sheng N, Xu Y, Yang JJ, Xu Z, Shi YS. (2022) Enhancing GluN2A-type NMDA receptors impairs long-term synaptic plasticity and learning and memory. Mol Psychiatry. Online ahead of print.

3. He L, Sun J, Gao Y, Li B, Wang Y, Dong Y, An W, Li H, Yang B, Ge Y, Zhang XC, Shi YS, Zhao Y. (2021) Kainate receptor modulation by Neto2. Nature. 599(7884):325-329.

4. Sun JH, Chen J, Ayala Valenzuela FE, Brown C, Masser-Frye D, Jones M, Romero LP, Rinaldi B, Li WL, Li QQ, Wu D, Gerard B, Thorpe E, Bayat A, Shi YS. (2021) X-linked neonatal-onset epileptic encephalopathy associated with a gain-of-function variant p.R660T in GRIA3. PLoS Genet. 17(6):e1009608

5. Jiang CH, Wei M, Zhang C, Shi YS. (2021) The amino-terminal domain of GluA1 mediates LTP maintenance via interaction with neuroplastin-65. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 118(9):e2019194118.

6. Du H, Ye C, Wu D, Zang YY, Zhang L, Chen C, He XY, Yang JJ, Hu P, Xu Z, Wan G, Shi SY. (2020) The cation channel TMEM63B is an osmosensor required for hearing. Cell Reports. 31:107596.

7. Duan GF, Xu S, Ye Y, Tao W, Nicoll RA, Shi YS, and Sheng N.(2018) Signal peptide represses GluK1 surface and synaptic trafficking through binding to amino-terminal domain. Nature Communications. 9(1):4879.

8. Sheng N, Bemben MA, Díaz-Alonso J, Tao W, Shi YS, Nicoll RA. (2018) LTP requires postsynaptic PDZ-domain interactions with glutamate receptor/auxiliary protein complexes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 115(15):3948-3953.

9. Sheng N, Shi YS, Nicoll RA. (2017) The amino-terminal domains of kainate receptors determine the differential dependence on Neto auxiliary subunits for trafficking. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114(5):1159-1164. 

10. Niu Y, Dai Z, Liu W, Zhang C, Yang Y, Guo Z, Li X, Xu C, Huang X, Wang Y, Shi YS, Liu JJ. (2017) Ablation of SNX6 leads to defects in synaptic function of CA1 pyramidal neurons and spatial memory. Elife. 6. pii: e20991.

11. He XY, Li YJ, Kalyanaraman C, Qiu LL, Chen C, Xiao Q, Liu WX, Zhang W, Yang JJ, Chen G, Jacobson MP, Shi YS. (2016) GluA1 signal peptide determines the spatial assembly of heteromeric AMPA receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 113(38):E5645-54.

12. Granger AJ, Shi Y, Lu W, Cerpas M, Nicoll RA. (2013) LTP requires an extrasynaptic pool of glutamate receptors independent of subunit type. Nature. 493(7433),495-500

13. Herring B, Shi Y, Suh YH, Zheng CY, Schmid SM, Roche KW, Nicoll RA. (2013) Cornichon proteins determine the subunit composition of synaptic AMPA receptors. Neuron. 77(6),1083-96

14. Gray JA, Shi Y, Usui H, During MJ, Sakimura K, Nicoll RA. (2011) Distinct modes of AMPA receptor suppression at developing synapses by GluN2A and GluN2B: analysis of single-cell GluN2 subunit deletion in vivo. Neuron. 71(6), 1085-1101

15. Shi Y, Suh YH, Milstein AD, Isozaki K, Schmid SM, Roche KW, Nicoll RA. (2010) Functional comparison of the effects of TARPs and cornichons on AMPA receptor trafficking and gating. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(37), 16315-16319

16. Shi Y, Lu W, Milstein AD, Nicoll RA. (2009) The stoichiometry of AMPA receptors and TARPs varies by neuronal cell types. Neuron. 62(5), 633-40

17. Lu W, Shi Y, Jackson A, Bjorgan K, During MJ, Sprengel R, Seeburg PH, Nicoll RA. (2009) Subunit composition of synaptic AMPA receptors revealed by a single-cell genetic approach. Neuron. 62(2), 254-68
